Thoughts on CBD & Athletic Recovery
By Ann Liguori, Chillax’n CBD Ambassador, Radio & TV Sports Talk Show Host, Correspondent, Author
You’ve just played 18 holes on a gorgeous course, but you know your lower back will feel it later.
That tennis match against your buddy was competitive. You’re delighted you managed to pull out the win in three, long sets but you know your knee will be a bit gimpy later from the wear and tear on the hard courts.
You love playing hoops with the kids but your shoulder always feels stiff the next day.
Picking up your toddlers throughout the day is a work-out in itself! It can take its toll on your body and mind!
You had a great work-out in the gym pushing yourself as always. But you know it will hurt tomorrow.
Are any of these scenarios familiar to you?
Whether you’re a serious athlete or a recreational one, or just doing normal, daily activity, recovery from exercising is essential.
I personally need to take a warm shower after any athletic activity to help prevent any soreness. A jacuzzi with Epsom salt makes a world of difference for me. And I round out the routine with CBD products, both topical and ingestible, because getting enough rest is a MUST with athletic recovery!
Did you just say CBD?!
Yes! I’ve been doing so much researching and trialing products over the past few years. Here’s a little more on what I’ve learned.
As much as we hear about the incredible benefits of CBD, there have not been a lot of studies done to back up these claims. But what you can do is ask a friend who you know who uses CBD and hear how CBD helps that person. In my experience, many golfers and all kinds of athletes over the age of fifty and most caddies I know, use and swear by the results.
How does CBD work, anyway?
Jon Johnson explains in this article published in Medical News Today:
“CBD is one of more than 100 compounds found in cannabis, called cannabinoids. Many plants contain cannabinoids, but people most commonly link these compounds to cannabis.
Unlike other cannabinoids — such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — CBD does not produce a euphoric “high.” This is because CBD does not affect the same receptors as THC.
The human body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that receives and translates signals from cannabinoids. It produces some cannabinoids of its own, which are called endocannabinoids. The ECS helps regulate functions such as sleep, immune-system responses…
When THC enters the body, it produces a “high” feeling by affecting the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors. This activates the brain’s reward system, producing pleasure chemicals such as dopamine.
CBD is an entirely different compound from THC, and its effects are very complex. It does not produce a “high” and does not impair a person’s functioning, but it influences the body to use its own endocannabinoids more effectively.
According to a 2015 study published in Neurotherapeutics, CBD influences many other receptor systems in our body and will influence the ECS in combination with other cannabinoids.”
Chillax’n CBD offers a variety of CBD products for athletic recovery to reduce exercise related inflammation and soreness, relieve tension and support a good night’s rest.
I always keep Chillax’n CBD’s Roll-On and a tube of the CBD cream in my golf bag for easy access! The Roll-On provides cooling, soothing, long-lasting relief. And both products relieve minor aches, help fight inflammation, soothe and rejuvenate the skin.
The products are 100% USA Farmed Hemp, are ISO 3rd Party Tested, and absorb into your skin quickly..
I’m heading to Puerto Rico this week to experience the State’s top golf and resort properties and to play in the Puerto Rico Pro-Am. We’re playing 18 holes a day and 36 holes on one of the days! You can bet that Chillax’n will be the first thing I pack! I want to play my best and feel my best this week and always!
Happy Chillax’n for Athletic Recovery!
Ann Liguori is a paid promoter of Chillax’n CBD. Chillax’n CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and any claims regarding such purpose(s) have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consult your physician before beginning any regimen with Chillax’n products.